
Friday, September 20, 2013

Mesenchyme: Unchained

I've encountered A LOT of words this week outside of class. Thank you, disease paper! Sarcoma is the development of cancer from the mesenchyme, as I've mentioned in my first post. Now this is looking at a few of the different kinds of sarcoma.

Liposarcoma - This is cancer in the adipose tissue.

i.e. On the show My 600-lb Life, it follows a woman who is morbidly obese and has a heightened chance of developing liposarcoma.

Kaposi's Sarcoma - This is cancer that is associated with HIV and other forms of immunospression that causes nodules in the skin, even the mouth.

i.e. Melanie was unfortunately told that she developed Kaposi's sarcoma due her having AIDS.

Leiomyosarcoma - This is cancer of the smooth muscle, which causes the brain to lose control over contraction.

i.e. When a female is complaining about her uterus painfully contracting randomly even when she isn't ovulating, on her period or pregnant, it can lead the doctor to believe that she has leiomyosarcoma.

Rhabdomyosarcoma - This is cancer in the skeletal muscle, which may cause the loss of voluntary control of the muscle.

i.e. Some people that develop rhabdomyosarcoma are restricted from operating heavy machinery because the jerking movements of their body can cause an accident to occur.

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